Paolo Tosolini
Born in Bergamo and a graduate in International Political science
from the University of Trieste, since 1998 Paolo
Tosolini has been Web Marketing Manager at Asymetrix Learning
Systems, Inc., a leading provider of enterprise online learning
solutions designed to enable organisations to more effectively capture
and deploy knowledge as a competitive advantage. Tosolini has worked
for Asymetrix for some years.
From 1996 to 1998 he was International Product Marketing Manager.
Among his major achievements he introduced RealNetworks G2 streaming
video technology in product demonstrations and corporate Web sites and
managed Asymetrix's advertising campaign on Netscape Netcenter, Lycos
and AltaVista.
He also managed the redesign of the new corporate intranet and
external site and developed ToolBook II Assistant 7 trial CD, a key
sales tool distributed by Asymetrix worldwide. Project Manager of
ToolBook II Instructor 6.0, Assistant 6.0, CBT Systems Edition and
corporate promotional CDs, he also managed the beta program for
ToolBook II Instructor 6.0.
He developed a corporate marketing intranet and the Asymetrix Italy
Web site and has participated in numerous conferences and projects in
Italy and abroad. He worked in South Africa at the Intec College of
Cape Town on the hypermedia courseware prototype to be distributed
over the Web; in the United States he developed technical
specifications for hypermedia kiosks that were remotely modifiable
through the Internet and one of the first Windows authoring
applications to create 360 degree panoramic views.
In 1992 in C&C Research Laboratories NEC Corporation in Tokyo
he was involved in research on multimedia/graphical user interfaces
and developed a virtual tour of a downtown Tokyo area using a time
based proprietary authoring system by NEC. In Italy in 1995 he worked
at the Department of Italian Studies at the University of Trieste and
developed online learning modules to teach palaeography over the