Pasquale Stoppelli
Pasquale Stoppelli, born in 1943, lectures in Italian Literature at the University of
Aquila. He previously taught at the Universities of Salerno and Rome, "La
Sapienza". He is currently Director of the Department of Culture at the University of
Stoppelli is author of numerous scientific publications in philology and literary
criticism. He has been in charge of the publication of all Garzanti Italian dictionaries
(general and synonym) since 1987 and has also written two Italian grammars currently used
in schools.
With Eugenio Picchi he produced the LIZ (Letteratura Italiana Zanichelli) CD-ROM, the
current version of which contains 500 works from the beginnings of Italian literature to
Pirandello. He has also published many articles, essays and literary reviews in numerous
Italian journals. |


- G.S. degli Arienti, Novelle porretane, a c. by P. Stoppelli, L'Aquila, Japadre 1975.
- C. Castelletti, Stravaganze d'Amore. Comedia, testo critico, introduzione e note a c. by
P. Stoppelli, Florence, Olschki 1981.
- A. Vignali (Arsiccio Intronato), La Cazzaria, testo critico e note a c. by P. Stoppelli,
Rome, Edizioni dell'Elefante 1984.
- Filologia dei testi a stampa, a cura by P. Stoppelli, Bologna, Il Mulino 1987.
- Dizionario Garzanti dei Sinonimi e dei Contrari (editor P. Stoppelli) Milan 1991.
- Dizionario Garzanti di Italiano, Milan 1994 (editor P. Stoppelli).
- Italiano Oggi, Milan, Garzanti 1996.