Alberto Quadrio Curzio
Alberto Quadrio Curzio (quadrior@mi.unicat.it)
is professor of Political Economy at the Political Science faculty of
the Catholic University, where he has been Dean since 1989 and Director
of the Research Centro in Economic Analysis since 1976.
He has been Dean of the Faculty of Political Science of Bologna and
President of the Italian Society of Economists. He is a life member of
the Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere and member of the
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. He is a member of the Scientific
Committee of the Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Treccani of May 1999.
He has been a member of the scientific committees of Italian and
international and research institutes; he was co-founder and is editor
of the theoretical and analytical review " Economia Politica "
of Mulino of Bologna.
In 1984 he received the Saint Vincent prize for economics (with
R.Scazzieri) for his essay Sui momenti costitutivi dell'economics
politica. In 1996 he received the Walter Tobagi Prize for Economics and
in 1997 the Premio Internazionale Cortina Ulisse for Noi, l'Economics e
He has taught at various Italian and foreign universities and spoken
at numerous conferences and seminars in Italy and abroad. His research
interests have centred on three major areas: pure economic theory; the
history of economic thought; applied and institutional economics. He is
particularly concerned with European economics and wealth and income
distribution. |