Stefano Passigli
Stefano Passigli (www.senato.it)
is currently under-secretary to the Prime Minister. A graduate in
political science, after studying for a Ph.D. in political science at
Harvard University he qualified as a university lecturer in sociology.
He has taught administration science and political science at the
Universities of Padua, Bologna and Florence. In 1971 he was made
professor of the University of Florence, first in administration science
and then in political science. He has taught as a teaching fellow at
Harvard and as a visiting professor at the University of Michigan. He
represented Italy on the executive committee of the International
Association of Political Science for eight years. Author of numerous
scientific books and other publications in several languages, his
principal interests in recent years have been in the field of
institutional reform. Elected to parliament in 1992 for the Italian
Republican Party for the Firenze-Pistoia constituency, he was a member
of the parliamentary commissions on "Culture, science and education"
and "Constitutional Affairs", and of the bicameral commission
for regional issues and the regulations council. In the 1994 election he
was elected senator for Florence for the "Progressives". In
the 1994-1996 legislature he was secretary of the President of the
Senate's advisory committee and was a member of the Commission on
Education, Cultural Heritage and Scientific Research, and of the
Bicameral Supervisory Committee for RAI, the Italian public service
broadcaster. In 1996 he was re-elected to the Senate for the Pistoia
constituency and was again part of the President of the Senate's
advisory committee. He is a member of the Constitutional Affairs
Commission, the Bicameral Supervisory Committee for RAI and was on the
Bicameral Committee for Institutional Reform. With a background in the
Republican left, he joined the PDS (Democrats of the Left), where he is
the national spokesman for cultural heritage and institutions. He is
president of the Longanesi publishing house and founded and is president
of Passigli Editori. He has been an advisor to Credito Lombardo and the
bank Euromobiliare (Gruppo Credito Emiliano). Apart form publishing, he
is active in other cultural fields: a long-time member of the special
projects committee of the Venice Biennale, for many years he has been
president of the Friends of Music of Florence, one of Italy's oldest
musical societies. |

