Armand Mattelart
Armand Mattelart (mei@univ-paris8.fr) lecturers
in Information and Communication Science at the University of Paris VIII. A media
theoretician and student of the history and theory of communication, he is also the author
of many well-known essays, translated into various languages, and has participated in
numerous conferences. He began his university career as a lecturer-researcher in the
Sociology of Population and the Sociology of the Media at the University of Chile in
Santiago, and lived in Chile from 1962 to 1973. During the three years of Salvador
Allende's presidency (1970-73) he actively participated in plans to reform the media.
Expelled during General Pinochet's dictatorship, he and Chris Marker made a full-length
documentary (The Spiral, 1976), about the Chilean Popular Unity period. He has always
remained in close contact with Latin America, where he regularly holds courses and carries
out research with the Universities of Argentina, Brazil and Mexico.
In 1982 he was co-president, with Yves Stourdzè, of the inter-ministerial mission to
evaluate French research in the field of the social sciences, including technology,
culture and communication. |


- Histoire de l'utopie planétaire, ed. La Découverte, 1999.
- La mondializzazione della comunicazione, Editori Riuniti, 1998.
- L'invenzione della comunicazione, Il Saggiatore, 1998.
- La comunicazione-mondo, Il Saggiatore, 1994, 1998.
- L'Internationale publicitaire, ed. La Découverte, 1989.