Digital library (biography) RAI Educational
Giuseppe Giulietti

Giuseppe Giulietti


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Giuseppe Giulietti was born in Rome in 1953 and graduated in literature, specialising in the History of Religion. He was secretary of the RAI journalist's union (UsigRai) from 1982 to 1992, a member of the RAI Watch Committee from 1990 to 1993 and a member of the executive of the National Press Federation. He is involved in various voluntary associations and is the author of essays articles and other publications on communications. Elected to parliament as an independent on the "Progressives list" in Umbria, he is a member of the Culture, Schools, Universities and Performing Arts Commission. He is concerned with problems relating to the restoration of historic town centres, preserving and exploiting Italy's historic, artistic and environmental heritage, and themes related to the roads and infrastructure. A member of the National Executive of the D.S., he is national spokesman on communications.

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