Digital library (biography) RAI Educational
Alberto Cazziol

Alberto Cazziol


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Born in Milan in 1950 Alberto Cazziol (, graduated in physics in 1973.

He began his career as an independent software engineering consultant, working with several important Italian and foreign industrial groups.

He is a member of the board of Etnoteam Adriatica of Ancona, founded in 1980, and of ET International, constituted in Brussels by Etnoteam with the aim of "internationalising" the group. Until 1988, he was on the board of SIOM (Scuola superiore di Organizzazione e di Informatica) for southern Italy.

Cazziol is currently managing director and marketing director Etnoteam S.p.A. ( esci da MediaMente), which he founded in 1978 with Roberto Polillo and Marco Maiocchi, and which is one of Italy's leading independent software houses.

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