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Giampio Bracchi

Giampio Bracchi



Giampio Bracchi ( is professor of Information System", responsible for Financial Systems Analysis, and Pro-Rector at the Polytechnic of Milan. 
He is a director of INPS and Cariplo, president of the Istituto Scientifico Breda and a member of the Scientific and Technical committee of the Italian Ministry for Universities and Scientific Research.

He has been an advisor to the Prime Ministers Office. He is currently a director of the Banca Intesa, of Sorim Biomedica Informatica and Vice-President of Lombardia Informatica.
He has been a member of the editorial committee of several reviews, including: Information Systems, Information and Management and Rivista di Informatica. He presided over the Information System committee of the International Federation for Information 

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Processing in Geneva, of the Associazione Italiana per l'Informatica e il Calcolo Automatico and has been a trustee of the Very Large Data Bases Foundation in Los Angeles. 
He has written over 200 books and scientific publications. In 1997 he co-edited with Sergio Campo dall'Orto, the publication of a text entitled Progettare il Telelavoro. Manuale per l'utilizzo (published by Franco Angeli) which accurately described the methodologies of introducing tele-working used by major Italian and international corporations.
He has acted as a consultant for information systems planning and has carried out important application projects for major companies, credit institutes and government bodies.
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