Franco Torriani
Franco Torriani is an art critic who is interested in artistic languages and
multimedia, and in particular the relationship between telecommunications and artistic
forms. Communications consultant, he is one of the leading exponents of Ars Technica, an
association which brings together artists, scientists, authors and critics interested in
the expressive opportunities offered by the new media.
He contributed to the creation of ARSLAB-The Senses of the Virtual (http://www.alpcom.it/netville/arslab2.html
) an exhibition produced with the
Cultural Resources and Communication department of the City of Turin and Extra Museum. An
interactive exhibition, the visitor is offered unusual encounters: optical-electronic
games; baroque atmospheres suspended in orbital space; colours which, like phantom
apparitions, present themselves to perception without fixing a precise chromatic
impression; surfaces which retain the memory of the visitor's passage and places which
resonate with their presence. |