Question 1
What does the immediate future of the Internet appear to be?
The Internet started out as just a few computers connected together. Then networks began
to become connected together. And then it was thousands of networks. And soon it will be
all networks connected together, creating a single, global Internet, a network of
networks. And as you think about this global Internet, you may wonder, what are the
limitations, what will prevent it from being this universally connected world where people
can really interact in entertainment, education and electronic commerce? Some people feel
that the limitation is the bandwidth, that this network wont be fast enough, that it
will bog down or be slow or perhaps fall apart. But actually when you examine the facts,
its quite optimistic. The Internet is like a fibrous root system; its growing
all the time. These little roots are growing and forming branches, forming bigger
branches, trunks, and there are no lynch points, there are no central clearing houses or
way-stations that everything must utilise on the Internet. Its very distributed. So
if a portion of the Internet slows down, more capacity can be added where its
needed. In fact, you really think about bandwidth in two categories. The backbone of the
Internet, the major arteries, and then the last mile as people call it, which is the
connection right to your home. This backbone of the Internet is actually being
re-architected. Right now universities and scientists from around the world have devised a
new scheme called Internet 2. Its a scheme which will put more speed into this
artery, the main backbone of the Internet. In fact, there will be many backbones.
Initially, it will be an order of magnitude faster and soon be two orders of magnitude
faster. So what about that last mile, right to the home? Even here I think theres
great cause to be optimistic. There are multiple competing technologies such as satellite,
cable, wireless and traditional telephone networks all competing with each other to be
able to provide this Internet access to people. And the allure of hundreds of millions of
people is causing this competition to be very intense. And so I believe that we will see a
breakthrough. Perhaps a breakthrough as dramatic as when the Berlin Wall came down. We
will one day pick up the newspaper and we will see that, yes, the bandwidth is there. It
will be quite optimistic. In fact, this will allow for the evolution of the Internet as a
medium. As we think about how radio evolved from AM to FM to FM stereo, and then how
television evolved from black and white to colour to colour surround sound, the
intersound, we will soon, I think, see the Internet evolve not as a network of networks
but as a whole new, global medium. Multimedia types will come and go on a very natural
basis, where audio and video and virtual reality all interact to provide a natural human
interaction for people so that theyre very comfortable using this new medium for
education, for entertainment and for electronic commerce. Its a very bright picture
that we have in front of us.

Question 2
Just imagine how the Internet could evolve and what it could become in ten years time.
Lets imagine the Internet in the year 2010. Lets hear your vision about it.
Well, as we look much further into the future, we see first the Internet evolving as this
new medium. A medium thats very rich with multimedia content. A medium which
responds to who you are and the way you want to interact, where people who are blind
dont get presented with video, people who are hearing-impaired see wonderful video.
And this medium responds and becomes a very natural way for you to interact. But
whats coming ahead is an Internet where you dont even have to interact; there
will be something that will interact for you. It will be an avatar. An avatar is a
software agent, and this software agent or this avatar, this likeness of you, will be out
there on that network. It will be out there in the medium acting on your behalf. This
avatar will take on your personality, will know what you like, what you dont like.
When it encounters another avatar, it will introduce itself and it will be just like you.
And you will trust this avatar. This avatar will carry your wallet. And in that wallet
will be your digital signature. And you will entrust your avatar to negotiate for you, to
plan a weekend in the city for you, to find a hotel that you will like, make reservations
for you in a restaurant. It will be wonderful for you. And it will perhaps go out and find
the furniture to outfit a new room that you may be building because it will be so natural.
Over time it will get smarter and smarter and it will become just like you. But you will
be completely in control. But many things that are today mundane in the shopping arena
really dont require your personal involvement. Its only once your tastes are
known that these things become very boring, whereas your avatar will be able to take over
for you and allow you to spend your time on the things that are of most interest to you.

Question 3
As far as technology goes, can we imagine what the key notes of the next ten years are
going to be? Can we have an idea of where were going technically?
Well, there are many key technologies that are associated with the Internet, but I think
one thats potentially the most profound is Java. Java is important because it levels
the playing field. It enables applications to be created on one kind of computer but be
able to execute or operate on any kind of computer. This is important because it will
enable the most creative ideas in the world to be exploited. So a person in Bled, Slovenia
with a very good idea, who is an expert in using an XYZ kind of computer, can develop this
idea that they have on the XYZ computer, and when theyre finished creating this
application, in Java it will work on anybodys computer. And because of the Internet,
people all over the world will be able to get connected and take advantage of this idea.
So its quite profound to be able to allow creativity to flourish and not be retarded
because of technological incompatibilities that have plagued the information technology
industry since its very beginning. In a sense, its like the Holy Grail. Its a
great promise to allow people not to worry so much about technology but be able to focus
on their ideas, on their creativity. So Java is more than just another programming
language, its a metaphor, its a surrogate for the
write-it-once-and-run-it-anywhere kind of idea. I think its quite important.

Question 4
The gap between the north and southern hemisphere. Are technological companies wise
enough, human enough, cultured enough to understand that a part of the world does not have
the need of lower position technology but needs to draw people into this community with a
little bit more heart and a little less mind. What do you think?
Well, the Internet is an enabler. And the technology of the Internet enables a universal
connectivity. This universal connectivity doesnt know one geography from another. It
allows people to get connected and once theyre connected, theyll be able to
express themselves and communities can form because everyones connected. So the
community of the future is going to be more oriented around the interests that people
have, not necessarily where they live. Many, many people live in a different country from
where they grew up because thats where theyre working. Many Americans work in
Japan, many Germans work in America, many Italians work in Tokyo. And the Internet allows
people to come together on whatever basis they choose. They can come together on the basis
of their language, or an interest in music or in technology or in whatever subject. And
rather than forcing everyone to be the same, which some people do worry about, I think the
Internet is a liberator. Many years ago there were 30,000 different dialects in the world;
today there are only 5000. Will it go back to 30,000 or will it go to one or two or three
thousand. Well, it will really be up to the people. The Internet puts the people in
charge. Its not IBM, its not Microsoft, its not the government.
Its the people. So however people want to aggregate and form communities, that will
determine which way this language thing goes. I believe personally that dialects that
today may be threatened will be able to live longer, maybe for ever. Perhaps some dialects
that are currently extinct will come back because the people who once knew that dialect
and were scattered to the winds around the world can now come back together again because
of the reach and the compatibility of the Internet.

Question 5
Time magazine had an article about religion, about Jesus on-line. What youre saying
about language is partially true for religion as well. There are a lot of religions that
are coming back again on the Net and a lot of religions that are born on the Net. Would
you like to comment on that?
Religion is an example of a community, and its an example of people who share a
common belief. Some religions are very broad in their adoption and in the number of their
followers and other religions are very narrow. And the Internet serves both. The Internet
allows people, wherever they might be but who share a common view about a particular
religion, to come together to form a congregation on the Internet. Likewise from the point
of view of a particular religion, the Internet provides a way for the spiritual leaders of
that particular religion to communicate and to make their points of view known and it
allows for interaction. So it really is quite liberating, I think, to allow subject
matters, no matter what they may be - art, music, religion - to reach more people and to
allow people to come together that formally didnt know that each other existed.

Question 6
Can you tell us about Panoramics and what it is for.
Panoramics is a 3-D visualisation technology that allows people to have a feeling of
presence in a place somewhere. The designer can use a camera, any kind of a camera and
take pictures of lets say the inside of a car or the inside of a house - in Paris
weve done this at Gallerie Lafayette, a department store - and take these pictures,
and then it pieces them together and allows a person with a Web browser on the Internet
using IBM Panoramics technology to be able to browse around the inside of that car or of
that building or of that store and have a feeling as though they were there. Its
sort of a natural feeling because these pictures - theyre not drawings, theyre
real pictures - and you can browse around in a panoramic way. You can zoom in and see that
bottle of perfume on a fragrance counter. And we have a way to superimpose on these
pictures what we call a "sprite". A sprite is like an icon, but a very special
icon. Its an icon that has Java application logic built into it. In effect,
its a program. For example, there could be a sprite which is actually a picture of a
model, and the model moves. Its an animated model. And when you click on it the
model describes what theyre wearing; it tells you the price and colours that
its available in. Its a very powerful technology to introduce the idea of a
more natural human interaction, to give people a feeling that theyre there. Just
imagine a Sunday afternoon, you feel like shopping, you look out the window and there are
three feet of snow, and so you go shopping on the Web and you feel like youre there.

Question 7
Can you explain what the interface is, what the problem is with the large interface? The
main problem for a lot of people is how to get it onto their computer and the network.
What are the ways to solve it?
The interface will become simpler and simpler as time moves on. Today, it is a bit more
complicated than it needs to be. You have to know too much and you have all these icons on
your desktop and you click on them and they do something, but with many of them
youre not really sure what its going to do until you click on it. It may ask
you questions that you just dont know the answer to. I think what we will see happen
is more of a consistent, uniform interface, perhaps a browser. Weve had a little
focus group going on for the last couple of years out on the Internet. And twenty or
thirty million people have all said: We know how to browse. Its becoming like a
fundamental human trait. This idea of "click here" has really taken on and
its almost just intuitive. Its a human trait that I think we have that we
didnt know that we had. And so I believe this concept of the "click here"
will become the interface. We will see an environment where were looking at a screen
and it may be on a TV or a computer or on our telephone, or it may be on another form of a
hand-held device. We will just find it very natural to interact with this device and
everything that we do with the computer will be as though we were browsing the Web. In
some cases, were actually doing something right in our local computer. In other
cases, maybe its something that is happening in a set-top box on the television. In
some cases, it may be something thats happening in our car and were
interacting with the display in the car. It all becomes a common sort of thing. We all
take the telephone for granted; with our eyes closed we can just pick it up and we know
how to use it. Thats how the Internet will become. The interface will become very
natural and well think nothing of using it. And by the way, itll always be
connected. So today, part of the interface is the physical part of getting connected. How
do you do that? You have to dial phone numbers and you have to know a lot. You
shouldnt have to know anything. You should be able to come home from the office or
come in from your patio and there it is; its connected all the time and information
is there at your fingertips. Its there at your spoken command and the interface is
just something that we take for granted.

Question 8
Theres the political problem in all this that connection in the United States costs
very little but in most other places, like Italy, its very expensive. How do you
will this problem be overcome? Is there any technology that might make it less costly or
is it in the hands of the telephone companies?
I think ultimately its in the hands of the people. I do care about access costs and
speed and availability of bandwidth everywhere in the world because the Internet is not an
American phenomenon, its a global phenomenon. The Web was invented in the heart of
Europe. It wasnt invented in America. Some of the most exciting work going on in
Internet technology is happening in Israel and Beijing and in many places around the
world. So its quite important that everyone be able to be connected. The barriers
today are partly real and partly created. The real ones have to do with the lack of wires.
In some parts of the world there are no wires. In some parts of the world there are wires
but there are rules and tariffs and customs and regulations that are sort of artificial
barriers that cause them to be very expensive. Theyre not really cost-based,
theyre more artificially based. These barriers will come down. It will begin with
the privatisation of the telephone companies around the world. And country by country
theyre becoming privatised; as they become privatised the investors in those
countries will be asking some aggressive questions. Why arent we getting more users?
Why are our prices high? Why cant we lower our prices? Why cant we get more
users paying a little instead of a few users paying a lot? And in fact if we really
embrace this, maybe we can have even a better financial income for the particular
telephone company. And in places where there are no wires, we have satellites and
satellites can provide a one-way connection to the Internet with some very clever
techniques that can enable people to have the effect of surfing the WWW even though
its a one-way connection. I think we will see the barriers come down. I think we
will see the bandwidth become much more available and I think well see breakthroughs
here. I think just like the Berlin Wall came down in Europe and surprised everyone
thats whats going to happen with bandwidth. I think it will be sooner rather
than later. Pretty likely in 1997 we will see this breakthrough occur.

Question 9
The Internet is becoming a market where here can be no barriers. No companies like
Microsoft can be allowed to create exclusive languages which cut others out. As
Vice-President of technological development for IBM, what do you think? There seems almost
to have been a cartel formed by IBM, Oracle, SUN, Java against Microsoft. Is this true, or
is it just a natural market development?
The Internet was built on and has thrived on a model of co-operation. This co-operation
has enabled the creation of a set of international standards which have enabled all the
networks of the world to become one network, the Internet, and will allow everyone to be
connected to this global Internet. As new technologies evolve, its quite important
for this global Internet to be able to capitalise on these technologies so that everyone
can share in the creativity and the new applications that come about. That requires that
this model of co-operation continue into the future. No company big or small should be
able or allowed to dominate this corner or portion of the Internet and in any way make it
proprietary. This model of co-operation must thrive in order to allow everyone to benefit
from this great reach and compatibility of this new medium. One of the important
initiatives in this area is Java. Its a new approach, a way to create computer
programs on any kind of a computer which can run on any other kind of computer. And so,
youre seeing a great deal of common vision going on around the industry. Youre
seeing companies who are competitors also working closely together to make sure that Java
becomes pervasive and standard and that no one takes this language and tries to fragment
it and make their flavour of Java. This would be disruptive and would not enable this
vision of a universally connected world where everyone can share in these benefits. So I
think its quite important that a large number of companies, hopefully all companies,
will embrace this concept and deploy this single language, and then we can really make
technology take a back seat and allow creativity and application development and business
solving and education and entertainment take the front seat and create a very rich world
for everyone.
