Digital library (interview) RAI Educational

Ramesh Jain

Monaco - Imagina, 20/02/97

"The MPI (multiple perspective interactive video)"


  • With MPI (multiple perspective interactive video) viewers can choose to watch the action from any angle (1).
  • Sports and news events will be broadcast using this medium, which should be available on TV in two or three years (2).
  • Avatars will be used in many different forms, for chat rooms or video conferencing or tele-conferencing (3).
  • Instead of artificial avatars, people can use their own faces and retain their identity (4).
  • The differences between video conferences and tele-presence, is with the latter the viewer chooses what to watch and from what angle (5).

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Question 1
Can you explain what MPI video is?

MPI video stands for multiple perspective interactive video, where in a video you can see things from the position that you want to see them. In this mode of video, in place of seeing from one camera angle, you can decide from where you want to see what is happening there.


Question 2
What are the possible applications of this kind of video?

We think that it will applied in many different forms. Sports events or news events will be broadcast using this medium. You can design also movies that will be like this. You can visit any place, any meeting using MPI video approach. For television possibly the biggest application will be in sports, where people will be able to see a sport event from wherever they want to see rather than from where somebody else wants them to see. This is still in research. I think it will take about two to three years before it becomes available to normal television or movies.


Question 3
What will be the consequence of avatars?

Avatars will be used in a different forms. You can use them for chat rooms where people will be video conferencing or tele-conferencing. There, in place of using artificial avatars, people can use their own faces, and they can be walking around and meeting other people.


Question 4
Do you think that people have lost their identity in the virtual communities?

That is right. I feel that people are losing their identity and that’s why they are going to avatars. Using our technology, they will maintain their identity that they themselves will be representing in the community They will be meeting other people not through avatars but through themselves.


Question 5
Can you explain the differences between video conferences and tele-presence, and why tele-presence may become more useful?

In the current form of video conferencing, the camera is always focused on the speakers. You are supposed to see what the camera is showing you. In the tele-presence mode, you will be able to see what you want to see. So, for example when I am speaking, if you want to see how other people in the room are reacting to this, you will be able to see this. If you want to see what the person sitting next to you is doing, you will be able to see that. So you will be able to see whatever you want to see.

You will become your own filmmaker. You can see things from the angle and from the view that you want to see, and that is the biggest advantage of this.. It will not be in the form that somebody else is showing you. If you want to see it from somebody else’s angle, you can always have that. That is the default mode, and that is what I want to see.


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