Question 1
What are smart connections and can you describe a couple of applications?
Smart connections are when a computer, a personal computer which has innate intelligence
is connected to the world-wide communications network. I can process my information, I can
do all kinds of stuff with it and then I can send it to another computer that is similar
to that and the intelligence of the computer and the transport capability of the
communications network work together. In terms of applications my favorite one was when
two doctors in South Africa, one in a teaching hospital in Johannesburg and another one in
a community hospital in a village were discussing medical records including an x-ray and
an electrocardiogram of a patient and the expertise of the doctor at the teaching hospital
was helpful to the local hospital in a real-life situation. And I was able to demonstrate
this to the audience in Geneva live and I was able to discuss with these doctors what they
were doing also live.

Question 2
Is it true that in the world more PCs are sold than cars. Can you comment on this?
This year's PC production is going be approximately 60 million units. The world-wide car
production, passenger car production is something like 35 million units, so not only are
more PCs sold than cars, perhaps next year there will be twice as many PCs sold as cars.

Question 3
How do you see the new reality of Internet?
I think the Internet is a phenomenon that is growing every day by building on the
experience and experimentation that people have had with it. The Internet basically
connects every computer with every other computer and permits every computer user not only
to be a reader of the information but also a writer of the information. And every day it
evolves because people see what they did yesterday and they'll do something a little bit
different, a little bit better today. So it is a live phenomenon that will grow.

Question 4
Is the PC the most promising technology for the home?
In terms of an information appliance, in terms of entertainment, in terms of learning
nothing can compare with the PC because the PC is inherently interactive and because the
PC is a Darwinian device. It adapts to the user's needs, it adapts to technology and
constantly changes. No other technology, no other instrument has that kind of

Question 5
How do you see the future of personal conferencing and advantages for people?
Personal conferencing is when two computers are connected live and just the same way as
I'm talking with you now face-to-face I could be doing the same kind of discussion,
computer to computer with your image and your eyes and your mouth and mine would be
visible to you and yours would be visible to me and in addition to that I could put a
document in there, I could put a drawing in there and we could jointly work and modify and
view that. The same way doctors can do medical records together. It is here today. It is a
product that Intel has been shipping for a year and a half and over 30 telecommunications
companies have certified the pro-share technology.
