Digital library (interview) RAI Educational

John Gage

Rome, 04/02/1999

"Jini, the technology connecting the home"


  • Jini technology is technology to allow any intelligent device - a camera, a disc drive, a refrigerator, a printer - to link together (1).
  • It would enable you to control your appliances inside the home to bring down the amount of electricity they use. Jini was developed by SUN in cooperation with hundreds of other companies. 37 companies, including Motorola and Sony, have announced that they will use Jini in their devices (2).
  • With Jini the software is contained in each device and moves across the network to join with software from other devices to form a "spontaneous community". When you buy a new disc drive or a new printer, the software will be in the printer not in the computer. That is the new model for the future (3).
  • In the future we will be able to put small chips and sensors in any device. We can begin to take the information in the world around us and use the sensor information together with the decision-making capability of the chips. You can take a piece of fiber optic cable and put a chemical on the end and put in your bloodstream to detect sugars, or put a sensor on your heart that would predict a possible heart attack (4).
  • Those that are driving this process of digital communication are the telephone companies. The technical impact of Microsoft on things that matter is only the impact of widespread mediocre software. Because people use PCs, they think that they are an important device, but that is just a temporary accident. Now we are moving from an old world of disc and file-based computing to a new world that is network-based (5).
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Question 1
What is Jini technology? How does it work?

Jini technology is technology to allow any intelligent device - a camera, a disc drive, a refrigerator, a printer - to link together. At the bottom you must have some form of networking technology. You can connect together cameras, disc drives, computers with cables or with radio or with infrared. These are all different ways of allowing them to talk. What Jini is concerned with is what the different devices say. How does a device say to another one: "I'm a camera and I would like to use you, the printer, to print the picture I'm taking." Or: "I'd like to use you, the disc drive, to store the picture I'm taking." Jini allows the devices to talk to each other in this way, just as people talk, and allows each to offer services to the other. Jini is tiny software that lives in each intelligent device. Each device, when it connects to the network, uses Jini technology to look out on the network for other devices, some devices that might want to use the services that it can offer, some devices that offer services it might want. Jini allows each device to look out on the network, tell other devices: "Hello, I'm here. This is what I can do. Would you like me to do something for you?"


Question 2
What can Jini be used for?

Jini will allow the television set, the CD player, the speakers, the amplifiers, any of the home electronics devices to talk with each other, to say: "I'm a television set and I offer a picture and you could use me to change the cable input to a picture, and then print the picture." So Jini is software that allows any device to offer some service to some other device. In the kitchen, the refrigerator, the dishwasher, any of the appliances can offer services; they tell you what it is they do. That would enable you to control them, because a major step forward for any city is to allow homes to control their appliances inside the home to bring down the amount of electricity they use. Today, on a hot day throughout Rome air conditioners, refrigerators, all turn on, which requires ENEL to generate lots of electricity. If we could save a little bit of electric power, bring the peak load down by 5% or 10%, we could save tens or hundreds of millions of dollars of generation capacity. Allowing devices to speak to each other can cause tremendous savings for the society as a whole. Jini is just software. It allows a smart device to communicate with another device. Here's an example: a cell phone is a computer with a radio, a keyboard and a screen. This device can send across the network a piece of software saying: "If you would like to display something on this screen, use the software, and it will come back and display on the screen." So if I'm building a messaging service, I might like this Jini-connected device to offer that display service to me. If I'm using my television set at home and I'd like to control it, the television set will send its software that makes it work using Jini out so I could talk to it with my cell phone, so I could control the television with the cell phone. Allowing these devices, which all have computers in them, to talk to each other let's us redesign what we use in our homes to listen to, to look at, to cool things, to heat things. We can begin to let them all create new kinds of appliances. And this, of course, allows new businesses to begin. Jini was developed by SUN in cooperation with hundreds of other companies whose suggestions about what they need were put together into this very simple design. In the last few weeks, 37 companies, including Motorola and Sony, announced on one day that they would use Jini in their devices.


Question 3
Who created Jini?

Jini was developed by SUN because we knew all of our partners. The cellular telephone companies, the disc drive companies, the printer companies, all of them have the same problem. When they connect their devices to another device, they want the other device to know how to use them. For example, if you have a PC and you want to connect a printer to it, the software to make the printer work must already be in the PC. This is backwards, it's not easy. The disc drive or the printer company wants to put the software in the printer or the disc drive. So when you connect it, the software comes from the printer or from the disc drive over to the computer that will use it. That way the software is never out of date. So all of the companies that make electronic devices run by software wanted to be able to keep the software in their device and connect to the network, move the software to those that would use the device and always be up to date. We recently announced that 37 companies would support Jini, including all the consumer electronics companies - Sony, Philips, Thomson, Mitsubishi, Sharp, companies that make television sets, companies that make CD players, companies that make devices inside our homes, all the printer companies, Hewlett Packard, Epson, Canon, all of the cellular telephone companies, Nokia, Erikson, Motorola - all these companies want their devices to be able to work together with each other. With Jini the software in each device moves across the network and joins with software from other devices to form a community. All of a sudden, a television camera can find software coming from a printer and send its picture to the printer or find software coming from a disc drive and send its picture to be stored on the disc drive. We call this "spontaneous community", a community formed of all these different hardware devices that do very different things able now to use each other's capabilities. The reason this is so important is that it reflects change in computing from the old style, where we think about everything on a disc in one place, waiting for a device to become connected. I have here a PC. In this PC, sitting on my disc and this one has a 4GB disc, I have megabytes and megabytes of software for disc drives, for printers, for modems, for devices I will never use. The software is here waiting. So if I bring a printer from the store, a new printer and plug it in, the software is here, already waiting for the printer. Microsoft calls this "plug and play". That's a good idea. When you buy a new printer, you should not worry about how to make it work. But the problem with this centralized model is that you must have the software here before you buy the printer. In the new world that will not work. In the new world with devices becoming smarter, with chips in everything, when you buy a new disc drive or a new printer, the software will be in the printer not here in the computer. And when you bring your new disc drive or printer home to connect to the computer, the software will come from the printer into the computer, so it will just work. That's quite a different model from the older model Microsoft has. And that's the model for the future. These PCs, there might be 200 million of them. The devices in cell phones, in switches, in beepers, in printers, there are billions of them, thousands of millions of them, far more than personal computers. So when we talk about the devices that people will have, people will have wrist watches, cell phones, beepers and dozens of different devices that all can communicate together using Jini. So our plan is to enable any manufacturer of anything, a cell phone or a camera, to move software from one to the other. How might that work? I might be able to move the software using Jini from the camera to my cell phone so I could control the camera from my cell phone. With Jini that's easy to do. So the future allows us to take devices that are independent today and together make something new that never existed before. That's the power of Jini and that's why all the computer companies, all the consumer electronics companies, all the printer companies, all the disc drive companies have said that they will agree and standardize together.


Question 4
You talked about sophisticated, hard-tech devices, cellular phones, beepers, so on and so forth. Nicholas Negroponte, who I am sure you are all familiar with, has indicated the fact that such developments could even go all the way to involving let's say everyday objects, so-called things that think: tables, tea cups, coffee machines so on and so forth. What is your view on that?

If you look at the way computers have developed, in the last 40 years the computers have been big. The mainframe computers were big boards with many chips on them. That changed in 1982, 1983 when microprocessors came out. These powerful chips let us take many of the separate chips on the board and turn them into one chip. And this world of microprocessors and single board computers, the Apple II, the PC, the SUN workstation, these single board computers have dominated the world of computing for the last 15 years. And today we're at the edge of the next big change, the move from the single board computer to the single chip computer. Chips cost very little. The first one costs a billion dollars and the next one costs nothing. When you're thinking of making a chip, the design part is expensive, building the plant to fabricate it is expensive but the chip itself costs nothing. So there will be thousands of millions of chips. So that's computational power, the ability to be making decisions, that's what the chip does. The other part of it is the sensor. That's what measures things. And today using the same technology we used to make chips, we can make sensors. How do you do that? The chip is a small piece of silicon. We can make a small swimming pool in silicon the size of a millionth of a meter across and leave a little diving board hanging over the hole we dig in the silicon. Then that measures whether or not you move the chip. Because if you move it, the diving board vibrates. So you can make an accelerometer one millionth of a meter across that costs nothing. So we can put those in devices that measure impact. You can put it in a letter so you will know when you receive a letter if the letter had been dropped. You can put it in a coffee cup so that you can measure how strongly the coffee cup banged the table when you put it down. We can begin to take the information in the world around us and use the sensor information together with the decision-making capability of the chips and both of these components cost nothing. You can take a piece of fiber optic cable, just glass, and put a chemical on the end that only reacts with certain molecular shapes. That you can put in your bloodstream to detect sugars. Today at the pharmacy you can buy a device of US$50 that measures the amount of sugar in your bloodstream and you need to if you are a diabetic. There are sensors which measure electric fields: you could put a sensor on your heart that would predict a possible heart attack. The electric patterns of a heart attack are very well known. That would then communicate with an alarm or possibly with something your mother would buy. A small voice that would come from your wrist watch and tell you not to drink that cup of coffee because your heart was already going too fast. So the ability to measure inside the body, the ability to measure the state of your body, gives us new medical diagnostic tools. That's all made possible by small chips and small sensors. How do they talk one to the other?. Jini allows small sensors, small chips, to talk each to the other in a very simple way. What we're building is something new. We call it "distributed computing". Everything comes alive and all the devices that have something to say: "I'm hot" , "The heart beat is going too fast" , "The air contains chemicals that are not good for the human being" , "The water in the river is becoming too hot from industrial outflow." All of this capability to measure and see makes things that are invisible to us now visible, so we can start to make decisions about the world around us, the world outside of us and the world inside of us.


Question 5
The real world and the digital world are merging and becoming interrelated. This is changing our lives right now and we can expect this to come even faster and more dramatic in the future. But this process seems to be driven by a handful of big names, Microsoft, to start with and also relatively new groups like SUN, AOL and Netscape. Do you think it could be dangerous if such a far-reaching process which affects so many people continues to be driven by few entities?

Those that are driving this process of digital communication are the telephone companies. Long before SUN or Microsoft or any of the small companies that came about because of the microprocessor, the telegraph companies sent digital signals so that human beings could communicate. Then the telephone companies that first began sending voltages down the wire found it was hard over a long distance to make it sound good, so they converted to making the signals digital. That's just ones and zeros. And if you could look inside the phone wire, you would see all that happens in transmitting a signal is that there's a voltage that goes up and then a voltage that comes down and that's a one. Then there's no voltage, no voltage and a one again. So you can send a signal that simply looks like a square wave, and you send it down the wire. When it becomes noisy, because static from elevator motors and the spark plugs in cars make spikes in it, you can pass it through a tiny computer that gets rid of all the noise. When it sees an ugly signal come in, it changes it into a perfect square wave again. All that digital means is perfect copy. Now, in the world everything is analogue. I have a different sensation as I press harder and harder. That's not digital. The only point of digital is to allow us to take information and transmit it from one place to the other and at the other end have a perfect copy of what we started with. This is good if you like music, because you can transmit voice or sound or pictures perfectly anywhere in the world. All of this movement was brought by the communications companies. When we began to bring that capability into a device that you could look at, with a computer inside it, Xerox, the companies that had invented the personal computer, that made something a human being could use, gave the technology away free. And when people built systems that linked many computers together, they used Ethernet, a digital standard for moving packets of information among computers, used in every computer. That's a free standard that everyone uses. On the Internet, TCIP, a packet standard that anybody can use that allows you to put information in a little packet and throw it out onto the web of interconnected machines, and it will find a destination no matter what pathway it needs to follow. So these innovations that brought about what we loosely call the digital world are really innovations in moving information from one place to the other with no change, perfect sound, telephone from Rome to Beijing and it sounds as if you're in the next room. That capability lets us now link everything else, all of the databases, all of the sensors, everything together. The goal in all of this is to allow people to build something new, depending on what they want to do with no one controlling it. But you can't have everyone doing something different. So bit by bit we have established standards in linking the computers together, in linking the phones together, in linking the television cameras together, in linking the recordings both on CD and on the Internet together. Soon, we will just think of all the interconnected digital universe as a giant source of information. Now, the next challenge is to allow people to learn to read and write, explore and find things. In each of these areas big companies spring up because they're able to do something better than someone else. Microsoft has emerged in PCs as a company that has taken technology usually invented by someone else - in fact I think it's safe to say Microsoft has taken technology always invented by someone else - and managed to put it into small PCs for 100 or 200 million people. The companies that have made a much deeper impact are the consumer electronics companies and the telephone companies that have put devices into the hands and into the ears of hundreds of millions of people. There are 800 million telephone lines in the world. You can see how far we still need to go because there are 6 billion people and only 700 or 800 million telephone lines. So most people still are not in the conversation. The challenge for all of us now is to extend this to everyone in the world, so that a child in the most remote village has a sense of being in a conversation with other children able to read, to write, to exchange ideas with anyone. That comes about as the devices that make this possible become cheaper and cheaper and the networks that make this possible become ubiquitous, providing a pathway for everyone to talk with everyone else. Now I didn't get to the industrial structure. Microsoft has very little to do with all of this when you get down to it. It's just our view of it that Microsoft never mattered. Here's a question to you guys. It's a test. How big is Microsoft? How many people work there? Answer: 26,000 or 25,000. How many people work at SUN? 27,000. How much money did Microsoft make last year? US$14 billion. How much does SUN make? US$12 billion. So we're almost exactly the same size. The same revenues. Now, how much is the capital valuation of Microsoft? US$200 or $300 billion? Ours is US$60 billion or something. So there's a big difference in the valuation and that's why Bill Gates is rich. But the technical impact of Microsoft on things that matter is only the impact of widespread mediocre software. And the problem for us didn't exist a few years ago when Microsoft didn't have very many computers that it affected. The things that are important for us are the computers that run the banks, the trading floors, the air traffic control systems, the electric power grid, the computers that run the cameras, the watches, the cell phones, the devices we use. Microsoft is not present in any of those places. So, it's often easy, because people use PCs, to think that they're an important device. They're just an accident for the moment. And the inevitable change in the way the world works is to think about the computer as a contrast between the PC and the cell phone. Let me show you what I mean by this. This is a PC, an elegant manufactured and designed device, an elegant result of a mediocre design. I have a huge disc in this, loaded with software I'll never use, software waiting for a disc that I'll never connect or a modem that I'll never connect or some printer I'll never connect. And the problem at the basis of this is the problem of every computer of the last 40 years. When you start it, it first looks for a disc. It finds a file on the disc with a specific name and it starts executing the instructions from the disc. Let me show you the modern computer. When you turn this cell phone on, it tests itself and instantly goes to the network. There is no disc here and there's no disc in the billions of computing devices that exist today. Today's automobiles have 100 to 150 processors in them, when you start them, they don't go to disc. They look on the network for any information about what to do. So we're moving from an old world of disc and file-based computing to a new world that's network-based.


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