Marie Claude Vettraino Soulard
Marie-Claude Vettraino-Soulard (http://www.artemis.jussieu.fr
teaches information science at the Department of Social Sciences at the University of
Paris 7-Denis Diderot.
In 1975 she was awarded her doctorate in Literature and the Humanities with a thesis
entitled "Contribution to the study of the fixed image: theoretical
considerations and experimental data on an advertising image".
She is vice-president of the "Société de Bibliologie e de Schématisation"
and is responsible for a national research seminary created in 1985 and entitled Écrit,
Image, Oral et Nouvelles Technologies, (http://www.artemis.jussieu.fr/dess/bibli
Her principal research interests include the semiological and sociocultural aspects of
advertising, the image, and the use of electronic communications, including the Internet.
She has written more than 100 articles for French reviews including "Communication
et Languages", "Revue Internationale de Bibliologie", as well as Italian,
American Algerian, Moroccan and Bulgarian publications. |