Walter Veltroni was born in Rome 3 July 1955. He is married to
Flavia, he has two children, Martina and Vittoria. He was editor of
the daily newspaper L'Unità. and was first elected to parliament in
1987. In April 1996 he was elected to the House of Deputies with the
majority system for the LAZIO 1 constituency. In the first Prodi
government he was Minister of Culture and the Environment from 17 May
1996, and Vice President of the Council of Ministers and Minister for
the Performing Arts and Sport from 18 May 1996.
He has always been interested in communication, the cinema and
His publications:
- Il PCI e la questione giovanile, 1977, Newton Compton.
- A dieci anni dal '68, intervista ad Achille Occhetto, 1978,
Editori Riuniti.
- Il sogno degli anni sessanta, 1981, Savelli, riedito nel 1991 da
- Il calcio è una scienza da amare, 1982, Savelli.
- Io e Berlusconi (e la RAI), 1990, Editori Riuniti.
- I programmi che hanno cambiato l'Italia, 1992, Feltrinelli.
- Il sogno spezzato, 1992, Baldini e Castoldi, che presenta e
commenta il pensiero di Robert Kennedy.
- La sfida interrotta, le idee di Enrico Berlinguer, 1992,
- Certi piccoli amori, raccolta delle sue recensioni