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Herbert Ungerer

Herbert Ungerer



Herbert Ungerer is director of the Post and Telecommunications and Co-ordination of the Information Society Division in DG IV - on Competition of the European Commission in Brussels.

One of the achievements of his career in the European Commission has been the drawing up of procedures regarding telecommunications technologies and services, published in the Green Pages of the EU. He also played a fundamental role in the introduction of regulations regarding compatibility and local competition in the European telecommunications market, which come into force in 1998.

Ungerer worked in the computer industry before joining the EC. He graduated in physics at the University of Tubingen in Germany and obtained a doctorate in economic sciences at the "Ecole des Haute Etudes", in Paris. He also obtained a masters in "Business Administration" from INSEAD, the European Institute of Business Administration in Fontainebleau.

In 1989 he published, Telekomunication in Europa: Freie Wahl fur den benutzer im europaischen BinneMarkt des Jahres 1992: Eine Herausforderung fur die Europaische Gemainschaft (Telecomunications in Europe: consumer choice in the European exchange market in 1992: a discovery for the European Community) in 'Europaische Perspektiven'

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In 1989 be published in "Europaische Perspektiven":

Telekomunication in Europa: Freie Wahl fur den benutzer im europaischen BinneMarkt des Jahres 1992: Eine Herausforderung fur die Europaische Gemainschaft (Telecomunications in Europe: a free choice for the user of the European exchange market in 1992: a discovery for the European Community).

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