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Gene Stephens

Gene Stephens



Gene Stephens ( teaches criminology at the College of Criminal Justice of the University of South Carolina. He is a member of the World Future Society (, a scientific organisation founded in 1966, which brings together 30,000 members interested in the study of the technological and social development of the society of the future. He is also editor of the review "The Futurist", a monthly distributed by the WFS, which publishes articles on scenarios, tendencies, and predictions of the future written by scholars from all over the world.

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  • Stephens, Gene. 1996. The Future Of Policing: From A War Model To A Peace Model. pp.77-93. In Maguire, Brendan, and Rodosh, Polly F. eds. The Past, Present, and Future of Criminal Justice. Dix hills, NY: General Hall.
  • Stephens, Gene. 1995, Sept.-Oct. Crime in Cyberspace: The Digital Underworld. The Futurist 29(5):24-28.
  • Stephens, Gene. 1994, July- August. The Global Crime Wave and What We Can Do About It. The Futurist 28(4):22-28.
  • Stephens, Gene. 1992, November-December. Crime and the Biotech Revolution. The Futurist 26(6):38-42.
  • Stephens, Gene. 1992, May-June. Drugs and Crime in the 21st Century: New Approaches to Old Problems. The Futurist 26(3):19-22.
  • Stephens, Gene. 1991. Challenges of the 21st Century Policing. In Ogle, Dan. ed. Strategic Planning for Police. Ottawa, Canada: Canadian Police College.
  • Stephens, Gene. 1990. Impact of Emgering Police and Corrections Technology on Constitutional Rights, pp.109-121. In Schmalleger, Frank. ed. Computers in Criminal Justice: Issues and Applications. Bristol, IN: Wyndham Hall Press.
  • Stephens, Gene. 1990, July-August. High-Tech Crimefighting: The Threat to Civil Liberties. The Futurist. 24(4):20-25.
  • Stephens, Gene. 1989, September-October. Future Justice: From Retribution to Reconciliation. The Futurist 23 (5):21-24.
  • Stephens, Gene. 1989, September. 21st Century Crime Needs Proactive Policies. American City & County: 38-42.
  • Stephens, Gene. 1987. January-February. Crime and Punishment. Forces Shaping the Future. The Futurist 21(1):18-23.
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