Stefano Silvestri
Born in Rome in 1942, Stefano Silvestri is a journalist with Il Sole 24 Ore. He has
been a member of the editorial board of L'Europeo, a correspondent and columnist for
Globo, and has written articles on foreign policy and defence for numerous Italian
newspapers. In 1966 he joined the Institute of International Affairs, initially as a
researcher, then as vice-director and director of research; becoming vice-president in
1980. From 1971 to 1972 he worked at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in
London. From 1972 to 1976 he taught a course in security problems in the Mediterranean
area at the Bologna Center of Johns Hopkins University. He has been a consultant both at
the Italian Foreign Ministry and at the Ministries of Defence and Industry. He was an
advisor on European affairs to the Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs in 1975, and a
consultant on various matters to Prime Ministers Cossiga, Spadolini, Craxi, Goria, De Mita
and Ciampi. From January 1995 to May 1996 he was Under-Secretary of State at the Ministry
of Defence during the Dini government. |


He is a member of the council of the International Institute for Strategic Studies
(IISS) in London, and of the European Strategy Group (ESG). He is also a member of the
council of the Industrial Association for Aerospace, Systems and Defence (AIAD). He is
author of publications on the Mediterranean (including L'uso politico della forza nel
Mediterraneo, 1973, and Il fianco sud della Nato, written in 1979 with Maurizio Cremasco),
on European security (La sicurezza Europea, 1969, La strategia sovietica, teoria e
pratica, 1970 and 1980), on the problems of the space defence system (SDI e Europa in
1985). His most recent works are: Il futuro della dissuasione nucleare in Europa,1990;
nuovi modelli di difesa italiana, 1990; Le forze multinazionali, 1993; Sistemi di
sicurezza dei paesi del Golfo- Riflessi per l'Occidente, 1994; L'organizzazione e
l'architettura C3I per il vertice decisionale nazionale, 1995. |