Stefano Rodotà
Born in Cosenza in 1933, Stefano Rodotà graduated in law from the University of Rome
"La Sapienza" where he now teaches civil law. A prominent figure in Italian
politics, he was first elected to parliament in 1979 as an independent of the left on the
list of the PCI (Italian Communist Party), and was a member of the Commission for
Constitutional Affairs. In 1983 he was re-elected to parliament and was president of the
Independent Left group in the Chamber of Deputies. In 1987, elected to parliament for the
third time, he was nominated member of the Commission for Constitutional Affairs, Affairs
of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and Internal Affairs.
He was responsible for Justice in the shadow cabinet of the PCI (Italian Communist
Party) of 1989. Re-elected to parliament once more in April 1992, he was nominated
president of the parliamentary group of the PDS (Democratic Party of the Left) and
Vice-President of the Chamber of Deputies. He was a member of the Commission for
Constitutional Affairs, Affairs of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and Internal
Affairs; member of the bicameral Parliamentary Commission on Institutional Reform;
representative to the parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg; and a
member of the Assembly of Western European Union.
Since 1990 Stefano Rodotà has been president of the International Association of
Democratic Lawyers. He is editor-in-chief of several journals, including "Politica e
Diritto", "Rivista Critica del Diritto Privato" and "Diritto
dell'Agricoltura". He specialises in civil law, individual rights, fundamental
liberty, political systems and technological innovation.
He is currently president of the Privacy Authority. |


His publications include:
- Tecnologie e diritti, 1995, Il Mulino, Bari.
- Repertorio di fine secolo, 1992, Laterza, Bari.
- Dall'Europa dei mercati all'Europa dei popoli, (con M.Riva e G.Arfè), 1989,
Macchiaroli, Firenze.
- Commentario della Costituzione. Rapporti economici (artt.41-44), (con F.Galgano), 1982,
Zanichelli, Bologna.
- Terribile diritto. Studi sulla proprietà privata, 1981, Il Mulino, Bari.