Digital library (biography) RAI Educational
Massimo Riva

Massimo Riva



Born in Vercelli in 1953, Massimo Riva studied philosophy in Naples and Florence, graduating with a thesis on Loewith and Nietzsche, and in 1986 was awarded a doctorate in Italian and comparative literature with a thesis on melancholy (which became Saturno e le Grazie. Malinconici e ipocondriaci nella letteratura italiana del Settecento, published by Sellerio in 1992), from Rutgers University (USA).

He is interested in narrative and the connection between narrative forms and new technologies. As well as his basic interest in how our post-humanist culture is increasingly based on new forms of communicating (and investigating) through narrative, he is also concerned with the late mediaeval period as a time of "transition" towards a new millennium.

He has taught in several universities including Sydney (Australia), Colorado, Northwestern (Chicago) and Massachusetts. Since 1991 he has taught at Brown University, where he is in charge of the Web project, the Decameron Web (with Michael Papio) ( and Progetto Pico (with Pier Cesare Bori of the University of Bologna).

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With his students at Brown he is setting up a laboratory, or, "exploratory", as he defines it, on on-line narrative, beginning with a hypertextual reading of Calvino and Eco. His collection of contemporary Italian narrators is about to be published by Yale University Press. back to the top