Giuseppe Richeri lectures in the Faculty of Communication Science at the University of
Barcelona, where from 1993 to 1994 he held the UNESCO chair, awarded each year to an
academic of particular merit. He also teaches at the C. Alfieri Faculty of Florence.
His position as Director of Research at the Telecom Foundation-San Salvador Research
Center of Venice is recognition of his substantial research activities in the history,
economics and social politics of the media. His vast experience in these fields has also
led to him being appointed consultant to the European Community, the French Ministry of
Culture and UNESCO.
He is on the editorial board of the principal European journals of communication and
author of many publications both in Italy and abroad
His most recent works are:
- 'La tv che conta. Televisione come impresa', Baskerville, Bologna,1993;
- 'L'economia dei media. Questioni teoriche', Istituto di Economia dei Media, Milano, 1994
(con A. Pilati);
- 'Le reti mercato e l'economia dell'industria editoriale', Centro Studi San Salvador,
Telecom, Italia, Venezia, 1995.