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Mario Ricciardi

Mario Ricciardi



Mario Ricciardi teaches Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature, humanistic computer technology and the theory and practice of new media at the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy at Turin University. He graduated from Turin, having studied under Giovanni Getto. In 1968 he was awarded a scholarship in the history of modern and contemporary Italian literature. In 1974 he was nominated as assistant lecturer in this field, in 1977 lecturer and in 1980 associate professor of Italian literature. Since 1986 he has been professor of Italian Language and Literature at the University of Parma.

In 1991 he was appointed to the chair of Italian Literature in the Second Faculty of Literature and Philosophy of Turin University and since 1984 he has held the chair in Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature in the Communication Science course of the same university.

He has contributed to many scientific seminars and conferences and to several operational projects, including: computerised support for the "Libro Cuore" exhibition of Turin in 1989; the construction of a hypertext on "total quality" for ISVOR-FIAT; a data base for a project on the cultural heritage, archives and libraries of Piemonte East.

Academic and scientific titles:

  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the "Natalino Sapegno" Foundation.
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the Academy of Mediterranean Studies for which he directs the School of Computing and Humanities.
  • Member of the board of directors of FOR.COM,(international and interuniversity consortium for communication training).
  • Member of the board of directors of CESMEO.
  • Member of the permanent consultative commission on cultural heritage, archives and libraries of Piemonte East for the Piemonte Region.
  • Representative of the Rector of Turin University for the Multimedia Park project (the construction of a technological park for production and training in multimedia).
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  • Recensione a E. Eisenstein, La rivoluzione inavvertita, Il Mulino 1985; in L'Indice 1985.
  • Gli ipertesti in L'Indice, 1990.
  • Testi virtuali e tradizione letteraria, "Atti" for the History and Computing Conference, Bologna 28 August-2 September, pp. 83-100.
  • Studi umanistici e nuove tecnologie, prolusione per l'inaugurazione dell'a.a. 1992-1993 of Turin University.
  • Alla ricerca del lettore attrezzato, in Letteratura e critica - Esperienze e forme del '900, La Nuova Italia editrice, pp. 277-310.
  • Ipertesti e nuove biblioteche in "Biblioteca - Metafore e Progetti", Angeli editore, pp. 215-231.
  • Oltre il testo: gli ipertesti (ed.), Franco Angeli editore, pp. 5-245.
  • Studi umanistici e nuove tecnologie in "Oltre il testo: gli ipertesti", Franco Angeli editore; pp. 9-40.
  • Analisi qualitativa dei testi e tradizione dei generi: l'esempio del romanzo cavalleresco in "Macchine per leggere. Tradizioni e nuove tecnologie per comprendere i testi", by Claudio Leonardi, Marcello Morelli and Francesco Santi. Fondazione Ezio Franceschini. Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo. Spoleto, pp.Ê101-170.
  • Indici di parole e mappe mentali, in "Tabula in fabula. Dal racconto degli indici alla retorica del testo elettronico" by Claudio Leonardi, Marcello Morelli e Francesco Santi. Fondazione Ezio Franceschini. Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, Spoleto; pp. 361- 386.
  • Riti di passaggio, introd. a Scrivere, comunicare, apprendere, cit., pp. 5-13.
  • Letteratura e nuovo mondo in Scrivere, comunicare, apprendere, cit:, pp 15-66.
  • Scrivere comunicare apprendere con le nuove tecnologie, Bollati Borighieri, Torino; pp. 235.
  • Introduction to Giovanni Degli Antoni, "Le tecnologie dell'informazione - una silenziosa rivoluzione cognitiva", Angeli editore.
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