Digital library (biography) RAI Educational
Philippe Queau

Philippe Queau



Philippe Queau is Director of Research at the Institut National de l'Audiovisuel (INA). He is also chair of the IMAGINA Program, the International Forum on Computer Graphics and Virtual Worlds of Monte-Carlo, which has now become the most important European annual event for Computer Graphics, Virtual Worlds and Special Effects. He is scientific counsellor of the French Ministry of Culture. In 1986 Philippe Queau was the founder and is the director of the Association Le Symbole France-Japan. He is also Director of the Information and Computing division of UNESCO.

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  • Eloge de la Simulation - De la vie des langages a la synthes des images (Champ Vallon/INA, 1986).
  • Metaxu: Theorie de l'Art Intermediaire (Champ Vallon/INA, 1989).
  • Le Virtuel: Vertus et Vertiges (Champ Vallon/INA, 1993).
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