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Emilio Pucci

Emilio Pucci



Emilio Pucci was born in Taranto 3 February 1961 and graduated in Mass Communications from the University of Bologna. He carries out research activities in economics and the history of the communications industry, and is particularly interested in the impact of technological innovation on the evolution of markets.

Since 1992 he has been a researcher at ANEE (National Association of Electronic Publishing). He has been a consultant to the Presidency of Olivetti Telemedia for telecommunications, as well as acting as consultant for numerous other companies in the sector.

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As well as contributing to many specialised reviews, he has published several essays, the most recent being:

  • "L'invenzione del Fax: Gli esperimenti di telegrafia fac-simile nella seconda metę del XIX secolo" SEAT, Turin, 1993
  • "L'histoire du fax" in Reseaux No 63,1994;
  • "Il mercato dell'interattività" in AAVV, Internet e il futuro della
  • comunicazione, Castelvecchi Editore, Rome 1995
  • L'industria della comunicazione in Italia. Nuove tecnologie, nuovi attori,
  • nuove regole, Guerini e Associati, Milan, 1995 (ed.)
  • L'industria della comunicazione in Italia. Competizione e progetto Paese,
  • Guerini e Associati, Milan 1996 (ed.)
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