Adriaan Peperzak
Adriaan Theodor Peperzak was born 3 July 1929 in Malang in Indonesia of Dutch parents.
He has taught at the Universities of Nimega and Amsterdam, among others; and is currently
professor at Loyola University in Chicago. He also holds regular courses at the Italian
Institute of Philosophical Studies. |
Le jeune Hegel et la vision morale du monde, L'Aja, 1960;
Gronden en Grenzen (Foundations and Limits), Haarlem, 1967;Verlagen.
De huidige mens en de vraag naar heil (Desire: Contemporary man and
the question of true happiness), Utrecht, 1971;
Emmanuel Lévinas, Ambo, 1971;
Vrijheid. Inleiding in de ur jagerige antropologie (Liberty.
Introduction to a philosophical anthropology), Ambo, 1972;
Weefels. Een inleiding in het Filosoferen (Introduction to
philosophical thought), Ambo, 1974;
Relijon, Ethique et Politique, in "Archivio di filosofia",
1978, pp. 311-18;
Filosofia e politica. Commentario alla Prefazione alla Filosofia del
diritto di Hegel (1987), Milan, 1991;
Autocoscienza dell'assoluto. Lineamenti della filosofia dello spirito
hegeliana, Naples, 1988;
Etica come filosofia prima, Milan, 1989 (with E. Levinas).