Luigi Paganetto
Luigi Paganetto was born in Genoa on 28 December 1940, and graduated
in Economics and Commerce. In the mid '70s became Professor and
pro-rector at the Istituto Universitario Navale in Naples. In 1982 he
was awarded the chair in Political Economy at the "Tor
Vergata" University in Rome and, at the same time, at the Scuola
Superiore di Pubblica Amministrazione, also in Rome. A few years later
he became lecturer in company economics at the LUISS University. He has
also been Visiting Professor at numerous American Universities,
including Rutgers University in New Jersey, Carnegie-Mellon University
and Brookings Institution in Washington D.C. An expert in the creation
of projects, particularly in the sectors of energy, transport,
technology transfer and training, he is also involved in monitoring
programmes for the Foreign Ministries of Ecuador and the People's
Republic of China. From 1985 al 1987 he was the Italian representative
at the Budget Ministry of the Political Economy Committee of the OECD.
From 1992 to 1995 he was a commissioner on the Administration Committee
of the ISPE. In 1994 he became President of the Economic Committee of
the CNR (Italian National Research Council) and in 1996, Vice President.
He is currently a member of the board of the Ente Cassa di Risparmio di
Roma, member of the Technical and Scientific Committee of Enea and of
the board of the Istituto Diplomatico Ministero Affari Esteri. He is
economic advisor to the FINMECCANICA group and President of the
Renewable Energy Commission of the Energy Authority. Among other
positions he currently holds he is President of the Economics and
Commerce faculty of "Tor Vergata" University and President of
CEIS (Centre for International Economic and Development Research), at
Ateneo. |


Among his more recent publications:
- L· 1999 Oltre l'Euro. Istituzioni, occupazione e crescita,
Il Mulino, Bologna, (a cura di);
- 1999 Lo stato sociale in Italia: quadrare il cerchio, Il
Mulino, Bologna, (a cura di);
- 1998 Finance, Research, Education and Growth, McMillan,
London, (con E. S. Phelps).
- 1997 Mezzogiorno e Mezzogiorni d'Europa, Il Mulino, Bologna,
(a cura di);
- 1982 La teoria generale e i post-keynesiani, Napoli, (a cura
- Mario Baldassari, Luigi Paganetto, and Edmund Phelps, eds.,
International Differences in Growth Rates: Market Globalization
and Economic Areas (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994)