Digital library (biography) RAI Educational
Giorgio Pacifici

Giorgio Pacifici



Born in Milan in 1939 Giorgio Pacifici is President of the Forum for Information Technology, President of ARCO and a lecturer at the Institut d'Ètudes Politiques in Paris (Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques). 
A student of political and economic phenomena in general, as a sociologist he is primarily interested in the analysis of the relationships and the implications of the use of technology in contemporary society.He has worked in the research department of ISPI in Milan, has been head of the research department of an important multinational computer company and was a director of Capogruppo of Telecomunicazioni Italiane.

He has also worked in government, holding the post of technology advisor and director of research in various ministries. He has published numerous articles and essays analysing the socio-economic aspects of information technology and the socio-political aspects of the Western.

He is co-editor of the "Collana FTI" series published by "Franco Angeli".

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Among his publications:

  • L'Italia della moneta elettronica. Terzo Osservatorio, di Giorgio Pacifici e Vito Catania
  • Il manuale del telelavoro per la piccola e media impresa, di Giorgio Pacifici e Teresa Nastasi
  • Bologna città digitale, a cura di Giorgio Pacifici, Pieraugusto Pozzi e Alessandro Rovinetti
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