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Alberto Oliverio

Alberto Oliverio



Born in Catania in 1938, Alberto Oliverio graduated in Rome in 1962. Since 1978, he has been Professor of Psychobiology at the faculty of biological sciences at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" ("Charles Darwin" Department of Genetic and Molecular Biology) and, since 1976, Director of the Institute of Psychobiology and Psychopharmacy of the CNR in Rome.

He carries out research in the field of behavioural biology and has contributed to numerous international research projects, including those with the Kavolinska Institute of Stockholm (1964-1964) the UCLA School of Medicine and Brain Research Institute of Los Angeles (1965-1967).

From 1967 to 1970 he carried out research at the University of Sassari, after a year as a visiting researcher at the University of Visconsis.

In 1971 he became Director of Research of the Institute of Psychobiology and Psychopharmacy of the CNR in Rome and two years later became an associate professor of animal psychology in the Psychology faculty of the University of Rome, and in 1975 Professor of Physiological Psychology.

He is on the editorial board of numerous scientific reviews and contributes to "Corriere della Sera" and "Il Messaggero".
He is the author of around three hundred scientific publications and numerous essays.

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Among his publications:

  • Nei Labirinti della mente (con Anna Oliveiro), 1998, Editori Laterza.
  • L'Arte di pensare, 1997, Milano.
  • Biologia e filosofia della mente, 1995, Editori Laterza.
  • L'alba del comportamento umano, 1992, Editori Laterza.
  • Psychobiology of Stress, (with S.Allegra), 1990, Nato Asi Series, Series D.
  • Behavior of human infants, (with M.Zappella), 1983.
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