Stefano Nolfi
Born in 1963, Stefano Nolfi
graduated in literature from the faculty of Literature and Philosophy at the University of
Rome "La Sapienza" in 1986, with an experimental thesis in psycholinguistics,
entitled "Un modello computazionale della comprensione del linguaggio naturale"
(A computational model of understanding natural language).
In 1988 he became a researcher at the Psychology Institute of the C.N.R. (National
Research Council) of Rome.
He has been responsible for the Neural Systems and Artificial Life department of the
Institute of Psychology since 1994.
In 1987 he was a visiting researcher at the Centre of Linguistic Research of the San
Diego University in California, at the Microcomputing Laboratory of the Polytechnic of
Lausanne and, in 1997, at the Computer Science Laboratory of Sony (Tokyo, U.S.A.).
Since 1988 he has worked on neural networks and artificial life, and since 1993, mobile
and bio-inspired robotics. |
Among his publications:
Evolutionary Robotics: Exploiting the full power of
self-organization, Connecion Science, (in publication).
Co-evolving predator and prey robots: Do 'arm races' arise in
artificial evolution?, Artificial Life, (with Floreano D.), (in publication),
Development in neural networks, In J.P. Mukesh and V. Honavar (eds.)
Advanced in Evolutionary Synthesis of neural Networks, MIT Press (in publication).
Learning to adapt to changing environments in evolving neural
networks, Adaptive Behavior (with Parisi D.), 1, pp. 99-105, 1997.
Using emergent modularity to develop control system for mobile
robots, Adaptive Behavior, Special issue on Environment Structure and Behavior, (5)
3-4, pp. 343-364, 1997.
Evolving non-trivial Behaviors on real robots: a garbage
collecting robot, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 22, pp. 187-198, 1997.
Discontinuity in evolution: how different levels of
organization imply pre-adaptation, in Belew, R.K. Mitchell, M. (eds), Adaptive
Individuls in Evolving Populations (with Miglino O., Parisi D.), SFI Studies in the
Science of Complexity, Vol. XXIV, Addison-Wesley, 1996.
Robotica evolutiva: metodologia e prospettive. Sistemi
intelligenti (with Floreano D., Mondada F. and Miglino D.), 1995, il Mulino, Bologna.