Digital library (biography) RAI Educational
Ugo Moretto

Ugo Moretto



General Director of the Vatican Television Centre, Don Ugo Moretto was born 16 July 1956 in San Martino di Lupari, in the province of Padova, diocese of Treviso. A journalist, he graduated in law in 1980 from the University of Padova, with a thesis on the relationship between European Community law and Italian law.

While in the seminary, he wrote a study on the rules of communication in the Gospels. Ordained in June 1986, he was called by the Bishop of Padua, Filippo Franceschi, to set up a press office for the diocese.

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In 1990 he founded Telechiara, a television channel for the diocese of the Triveneto. He gave up the direction of the channel in the summer of 1997 to take up his present post at the Vatican Television Centre. In 1998 he published a CD-Rom with an introduction to Christianity, which experimented with the use of multimedia techniques. back to the top