Vittorio Midoro
Born 19 January 1948, Vittorio Midoro (midoro@itd.ge.cnr.it)
) lives and works in Genoa, where he graduated in engineering in 1772. He is a senior
research fellow at the Istituto Tecnologie Didattiche (CNR) (http://paradiso.itd.ge.cnr.it ). He has been working in the field of
educational technology since 1974 and has contributed to the definition and development of
the field in Italy and internationally.
He has been responsible for numerous research projects into both methodological issues
(definition of methodologies, prototypes and tools for courseware production, the
definition of project methodology in the field of environmental education etc.) and theory
(use of Petri Nets in courseware production and applications of Pask's conversation theory
to instructional processes).
His research interests include educational technology, environmental education and
technical education, cognitive science and education, multimedia systems for learning and
information, artificial intelligence and education, the methodology and instruments for
the development of learning systems, educational evaluation and the instruments for
information technology education.
He is currently responsible for the LABNET project, aimed at developing a network of
environmental education laboratories. He is the editor of the review "TD", the
Italian review of educational technology (http://paradiso.itd.ge.cnr.it/td/td_fr.htm
). From 1982-1985, he was the
Italian representative for the UNESCO "New Technologies in Education" project.
Vittorio Midoro is a member of several scientific and publishing councils, including
the Consiglio Scientifico dell'Istituto Tecnologie Didattiche, Genoa, the Editorial Board
of the international review "International Journal of Structural Learning",
Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, N.Y., London, Paris; the Executive Committee of the
company AI-ED (Artificial Intelligence and Education); and the Association for Educational
and Training Technology (AETT). He is also the Italian representative to the TC3 group of
the international association IFIP and of the European Expert Network (EENET), a network
of leading experts in technical education in Europe.
He has been a consultant on the planning of training systems and multimedia educational
material for a number of companies, including IBM, UNISYS, Hewlett Packard, SEI, RAI,
ANCIFAP, LEGA delle Cooperative, and the Regione Liguria. In 1984 he was awarded the
"1984 Informatics Award" (Cilea/Sperry-Univac) for his contribution to the field
of applied information technology education. |