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Giovanni Merlini

Giovanni Merlini


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Born in Rome 29 May 1929, Giovanni Merlini ( graduated in law from Turin University in 1952. He joined U.T.E.T. (Unione Tipografico-Editrice di Torino) in 1947 holding various posts in the publishing field. In 1969 he was appointed managing director and in 1975, President.

From 1982 to 1984 he was president of the EEC Book Publishers' Group and from 1984 to 1993 vice-president of the Industrial Union of the Province of Turin. In 1987 he was appointed President of the TEA (Editori Associati Longanesi-U.T.E.T) and executive director of TEA Scuola.

He is also president of S.A.A. (Schools and Company Administration) at Turin University and, since 1996, of the Compagnia San Paolo. He is currently president of the U.T.E.T. and of Garzanti of Milan, since 1993. Since 1971 he has been a member of the International Commission of the IPA (International Publishers' Association).

From 1976 to 1983, and again in 1991 he was President of the A.I.E. (Italian Publishers' Association). He was awarded the title "Cavaliere del lavoro della Repubblica italiana" in 1993.

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