Antonio Mercadante
Art historian and director of Impresa per le Arti S.r.l. in Rome, Mercadante graduated
from Rome University in 1986, specialising in the school of Corrado Maltese. After being
assistant lecturer in the History of Contemporary Art at the University of Rome "La
Sapienza", he moved to Paris where he worked at the Italian Cultural Institute on
exhibitions and research projects.
He worked for the Palazzo Forti Museum in Verona and the Galleria Civica in Spoleto on
exhibitions such as: Gottuso, 50 years of painting; The Roman School, From Van Gogh to
Schiele and Expressionist Europe. He was curator of exhibition on Carlo Levi at the Museo
della Rocca in Umbertide and the general catalogue of the graphic works of Renato Gottuso
and Walasse Ting for the "Master Sculptors". |


As President of the A.C.A. (Associazione Culturale Artistica) Novantuno he designed
and set up national and international exhibition projects, including, in 1992, the review
"Primi piani e lontananze", made in collaboration with seven European countries.
Since 1984 he has written art criticsm for a wide range of publications. His essays have
appeared in exhibition catalogues published by Mazzotta, Electa, Da Luca Mondadori. |