Giovanna Melandri
Born in New York, 28 January 1962, Giovanna Melandri graduated in Economics and
Commerce, with a thesis on Reagan's fiscal reform of 1981. From 1983 to 1987 she worked in
the research office of Montedison, co-ordinating a working group on industrial policy and
technology. From 1988 to 1994 she was responsible for the International Office of the
Environmental League, where she co-ordinated the scientific committee. She contributed to
the drafting of the employment plan and the fiscal reform proposal of the environmental
group Legambiente.
She was a member of the Italian delegation to the Bergen Conference on sustainable
development in 1990, summoned by the then Prime Minister of Norway, Bruntland, and in 1992
of the Italian delegation to the UN Conference in Rio de Janeiro on Environment and
Development in 1992, during which she followed the preparatory work for the approval of
the convention on climate and the biodiversity convention. Since 1982 she has been a
member of the Directive of the Legambiente and since 1989 a member of the national
She has been a member of the national Directorate of the PDS (Democratic Party of the
Left) since 1991 and a member of the party's executive committee, with responsibility for
the communications policy sector, since June 1996. In March 1994 she was elected for the
first time to the Camera of Deputies as a candidate for the progressives in Rome, and was
re-elected in the election of 21 April 1996. In the XII legislature she was a member of
the executive committee of the Progressisti - federativo group and was responsible for the
working group on bioethics (following the progress of the laws on transplants and
artificial fertilisation).
She has been a member of the Foreign Affairs Commission, the special Commission on
Children and President of the Human Rights Committee. In the XIII legislature she is a
member, for the Democratic Left group - the Ulivo, of the Culture Commission and the
Parliamentary Commission on RAI. Having responsibility for the communications policy
sector of the PDS, her principal responsibility in the XIII legislature has been the
definition of the new regulations for the broadcasting system and for the liberalization
of the telecommunication sector, the reform of the laws on publishing and the Journalists
Association and rewriting legislation in the sectors of the theatre, the cinema and music.
She has intervened on the Internet and the role of politics in relation to the Internet
). During the
XII legislature, she was one of the promoters of the law against sexual violence and
during the XIII legislature she has presented draft laws in the areas of adoption,
bioethics, assisted fertilisation, and preventing extradition to countries which practise
the death penalty. She also presented a proposal to modify the penal code in examinations
of comparisons of genetic identity.
Since 1995 she has been President of Madre Provetta, an association which fights
against the uncontrolled application of medically assisted reproduction techniques, and
which runs the telephone information service for the public,"Telefono Cicogna". |

