Digital library (biography) RAI Educational
Aldo Masullo

Aldo Masullo



Aldo Masullo was born in Avellino on 12th April 1923. Graduated in philosophy and law, disciple of Antonio Aliotta and Cleto Carbonara, lecturer in theoretical philosophy since 1955, and professor since 1967, he currently teaches Moral Philosophy at the University of Naples.He has spent many periods studying and teaching in Germany. From 1984 to 1990 he was Director of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Naples.

He is a member of the Academy of Pontaniana, the National Society of Science, Letters and Arts in Naples, and of the Pugliese Academy of Science. He was awarded the Gold Medal of the Ministry of Education. An independent candidate in the list of the Italian Communist Party, from 1972 to 1976 he was a Member of Parliament and from 1976 to 1979 Senator of the Republic and Member of the European Parliament.

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  • La problematica del continuo nel pensiero di Zenone di Elea e di Aristotele, Naples 1955.
  • Intuizione e discorso, Naples 1955.
  • Struttura, soggetto e prassi, Naples 1966.
  • La storia e la morte, Naples 1964.
  • La comunità come fondamento. Fichte Husserl Sartre, Naples 1965.
  • Il senso del fondamento, Naples 1967.
  • Antimetafisica del fondamento, Naples 1971.
  • La metafisica, Milan 1980.
  • Fichte: l'intersoggettività e l'originario, Naples 1986.
  • Filosofie del soggetto e diritto del senso, Genoa 1990.
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