Digital library (biography) RAI Educational
Giuliano Massa

Giuliano Massa



Managing director of Banksiel since June 1997, and of Bisiel, a company formed by Banksiel and the Banca Agricola Mantovana in 1994, Giuliano Massa graduated in electrical engineering in 1969. He joined Finsiel in 1970, taking part in important initiatives, such as the construction of Sogei, of which he was vice director general until 1986, and Agrisiel, of which he was managing director and director general until 1995.

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When Agrisiel, Italsiel and Tecsiel were incorporated into Finsiel, he was in charge of the reorganisation of the company in the role of co-director general. In January 1995 he became Central Director of STET responsible for co-ordinating the information technology sector of the group. He has particular responsibility for strategic projects concerning new services, such as services for the public, business, teleworking and distance learning. back to the top