Digital library (biography) RAI Educational
Tomás Maldonado

Tomás Maldonado



Born in Buenos Aires in 1922, Tomás Maldonado is Professor of Environmental Planning at the Polytechnic of Milan. From 1955 to 1967 he taught at the Hochschule für Gestaltung di Ulm (RTF), where he was vice-chancellor from 1964 to 1966. In 1965 he was Lethaby Lecturer at the Royal College of Arts in London and in 1966 he was nominated fellow of the Council of Humanities of the University of Princeton. He held the "Class of 1913" chair at the Princeton School of Architecture from 1967 to 1970. From 1976 to 1984 he was Professor of Environmental Planning in the faculty of literature and philosophy of Bologna University.

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Among his published works:

  • Critica della ragione informatica, 1997, Feltrinelli, Milan.
  • Che cos'č un intellettuale? Avventure e disavventure di un ruolo, 1995, Feltrinelli, Milan.
  • Reale e Virtuale, 1992, Feltrinelli, Milan.
  • Cultura, democrazia, ambiente, 1990, Feltrinelli, Milan.
  • Il futuro della modernitŕ, 1987, Feltrinelli, Milan.
  • Tecnica e cultura (a cura di), 1979, Feltrinelli, Milan.
  • Disegno industriale: un riesame, 1976/1991, Feltrinelli.
  • Avanguardia e razionalitŕ: articoli, saggi pamphlets. 1946-1974, 1974, Einaudi, Turin.
  • La speranza progettuale , 1970/1992, Einaudi, Turin.
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