Antonio Maccanico
Born in 1924 in Avellino, Antonio Maccanico graduated in law from Pisa in 1946 and
entered the House of Deputies as a referendary in June 1947 during the period of the
Constitutional Assembly. He was head of the legislative office of the Budget Ministry from
February 1962 to June 1963. Nominated Director of Services of the Commissions on 1st May
1964, he became an official reporter of parliamentary procedure and on 1st July 1972
vice-Secretary-General. He was nominated Secretary General of the House on 22 April 1976.
He is the author of many publications on public finance and institutional and political
problems. He is the Italian representative to the ad hoc Committee of Brussels for the
preparation of the European Convention for the direct elections of the European Parliament
and was president of the Committee from September to December 1975. |