Giuseppe Longo
Born Forlė 2 March 1941, Giuseppe Longo graduated in electronic engineering in 1964,
in mathematics in 1968 and qualified as a lecturer in cybernetics and information theory
in 1969.
Since 1975 he has taught information theory at the faculty of Engineering at the
University of Trieste and is director of research at the International Centre of
Mechanical Sciences in Udine. For some years he has been director of the scientific and
literary languages laboratories of the International School for Advanced Studies
(S.I.S.S.A.) in Trieste.
He is author of numerous articles, specialised books, and the manual Teoria
dell'informazione (Boringhieri, Torino, 1980). He works extensively as a scientific
translator and popularizer, and has contributed to the Istituto dell'Enciclopedia
italiana, "Corriere della sera", "Le scienze", "Kos"
and the Italian public service broadcaster RAI.
He also contributes short stories and poems to literary reviews such as "Linea
d'ombra", "Nuovi argomenti" and "Il racconto".
His story Il fuoco completo (Studio Tesi, 1986), won the Comisso prize in 1987.
His current interests are epistemology, problems of communication, and artificial
An expert on new information technologies and interested in how these are changing
human behaviour throughout the world, he believes in the importance of an ethical and
philosophical preparation for dealing with new technologies. |


Among his publications:
- I giorni del vento, 1995, Ricciardello, Torino.
- L'acrobata, 1994, Torino, Einaudi, Torino.
- Alcune orme sopra la neve, 1990, Camponotto, Torino.
- Acquisition, processing and archiving of astronomical images (con Siedmak G.), Liguori,
1990, Napoli.
- Il fuoco completo, 1986, Studio Tesi, Pordenone.
- Teoria dell'informazione, 1980, Boringhieri, Torino.