Jean Marc Loechel
Born in Strasbourg in 1952, André Jean-Marc Loechel teaches at the University of
Grenoble. He is the author of a thesis entitled The Myth of Venice. He
collaborated with the Cabinet du Recteur de Strasbourg for the organisation of Forum
des nouvelles images (Strasbourg 3-6 April 1995) and with the Ministry of Education
on Laboratoire des Musées de France.
He currently organises meetings related to the exhibition Nouvelles images,
nouveaux réseaux, at the Cité des Sciences. He is president of the European
association Art-Education-Nouvelles Tecnologies, which organises seminars on the
processes of the transmission of knowledge.
An art historian, or more precisely a historian of the image, he is convinced that the
reflections which touch the field of the image and the humanities in general must be
considered in the context of radical new problems and that the new technologies offer the
possibility of a methodological revolution. |