Roberto Liscia
Roberto Liscia graduated in engineering from the Polytechnic of Turin and obtained a
Masters in Business Administration from INSEAD, Fontaineblau. After many years at FIAT as
the head of marketing and strategic planning of Teksid, and later director general of
Teksid France, he was appointed vice-director general of the information technology
subsidiary of the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL), where he developed several business
areas and created one of the first Italian data banks on CD-Rom.
He then moved to the publisher Arnoldo Mondadori Editore as director of corporate
development, with particular responsibility for acquisitions, joint ventures, and the
development of new business sectors, in particular electronic publishing. He was nominated
president of IEPRC, the association which brings together publishers and related
industries from all over the world to study and develop new multimedia technologies.
He has worked with the European Community in the field of electronic publishing, and
was one of the founders of ANEE (National Association of Electronic Publishing), of which
he is Managing Director. Liscia also acts as consultant to various companies for problems
related to information and publishing. |


He has published several articles and books on publishing and multimedia technology,
- Diventare multimediali: come utilizzare i CD-Rom e i nuovi supporti elettronici nella
comunicazione d'impresa, nell'editoria, nella didattica e nella formazione, (editor),
1996, Milan, IL Sole 24 Ore Libri.
- L'impresa multimediale: competizione e mercato nel settore della comunicazione (with
P.Dubini and R.Battocchio), 1992, Milan, Etas Libri.