Born in Florence 24 September 1919, Sergio Lepri graduated in
philosophy in 1940. He taught history and philosophy in secondary
schools in the academic years 1940-41 and 1944-45. During the Italian
Resistance he was editor of the clandestine paper
"L'Opinione". He has been a professional journalist since
1945. He has been editor-in-chief of the Florence daily "Giornale
del mattino"; special correspondent in Italy and abroad; and Paris
correspondent. He received the Marzotto Prize for journalism in 1953 for
his articles on the United States and the Saint Vincent Prize in 1956
for his articles on the Soviet Union. He was director of ANSA from 1961
to 1990.
Among his publications:
- "Manuale di linguaggio giornalistico", Etas,
1976 e 1982.
- "Le macchine dell"informazione", Etas,
- "Medium e messaggio", Gutenberg, 1986 e 1987
(Premio Fabri, 1987, Premio Campione 1998, Premio Prato Europa
- "Scrivere bene e farsi capire", Gutenberg, 1988
e 1989.
- "Professione giornalista", Etas, 1991 e 1993.
- "Mezzo secolo dell nostra vita", Gutenberg,
primo volume 1992, secondo 1993, terzo 1994.
- "Dizionario della comunicazione", Le Monnier,