Augusto Leggio
Born in Rome 14 May 1937, Augusto Leggio (augusto.leggio@anno2000.it)
graduated in Industrial Engineering and then specialised in Automatic Controls and
Calculations at the Istituto Superiore P.T. in 1962. His studies completed, he went to
work for IBM ITALIA as a systems engineer (Advisor). From 1969 he was responsible for the
Systems Direction and then for the Applications Development of the Elaboration and
Information Systems Service of the Banca dItalia.
Head of Computer Systems at SIP (now Telecom Italia) from 1986 to 1991 and then a
consultant to ISTAT and the Ministry of the Interior, member of the Information Technology
Authority for the Public Administration (AIPA), he was also Managing Director of the Ente
Poste Italiane from December 1993 to February 1998.
He was also President of the G.U.I.D.E. Association of IBM users from 1972 to 1978 and
President of the European Telecommunications Information Systems from November 1990 to
July 1991. He alternates between lecturing and consulting and positions in the public
administration and the banking and financial sectors. Since 1996 he has been sole Director
of SIM POSTE and since 1998 a director of the credit institution Banca2000.
He is in charge of an Internet site (www.anno2000.it)dedicated to the Year 2000 problem
and the development of ICT (1998) and is a member of the "Comitato Anno 2000"
set up by the Council of Ministers on 6 August 1998. |