Digital library (biography) RAI Educational
Peter Johnston

Peter Johnston



Peter Johnston has worked for the General Direction DGXIII of the European Commission since 1988. As head of the Programmes Applications Unit of Direction B-1, he is responsible for the strategic planning of European telecommunications research, the RACE programme and ACTS from 1988 to 1998 and for economic and social assessments of telecommunications developments in the European Community.

He also has responsibility for EC actions in the area of telework stimulation, with a view to diversifying employment opportunities and increasing the flexibility and competitiveness of European industry, and for liaison with the Information Society Forum on sustainable development.

Dr Johnston has a wide experience in international research co-ordination: from 1976 to 1984, he worked at the OECD in co-ordination of scientific and environmental research actions and from 1984 to 1988 he was responsible for research in Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Pollution in the UK Department of the Environment.

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He read physics at Oxford University, and was involved in solid-state and nuclear physics research, as a Fulbright-Hays scholar in Carnegie Mellon University and at Oxford University until 1976. back to the top