Digital library (biography) RAI Educational
Giuseppe Gigliozzi

Giuseppe Gigliozzi



Giuseppe Gigliozzi graduated in Literature with a thesis on Pirandello's characters. He carried out postgraduate work in Modern Philology at La Sapienza University, Rome, submitting the thesis Scrittore/lettore (Writer/Reader). He currently lecturer in the Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies of the Faculty of Literature at "La Sapienza" University in Rome.

He is author of many books and essays on 20th century Italian literature, with works on Alvaro, Bilenchi, Jovine, Malaparte, Silone and Pirandello, among others, and theoretical studies on literary theory and on applications of information technology to Classical studies.

Gigliozzi is Director of the IT sector of the department of Linguistic and Literary Studies and a member of the Technical and Academic Committee member of the CISADU (interdepartmental services centre for automation in the Humanities). He has contributed to numerous newspapers and journals and to RAI (the Italian public television service), making a large number of programmes for the Televideo Telesoftware division.

He is also Director of a contract between the Department of Italian Studies and IBM - Italia dedicated to analysing narrative structures and developing SEB, an expert system for analysing passages of a specific literary genre.

Director of the university research project "Storage and coding of literary texts", he is also co-ordinator of the convention between the University of Paris X - Nanterre, the Centro CNR (National Research Council) -Opera del Vocabolario Italiano in Florence (a lexicographic institute) and the department of Italian Studies for the storage, exchange and analysis of literary texts.

His teaching activities include: courses in Library Management at the University of Lecce (1994/95); Information Technology and the Literary Text at the University Rome III (1995/96); follow-up courses in computing for secondary school teachers; courses in Information Technology for the Humanities; annual courses on IT and Italian Studies; courses on Bibliography and Economics at the University Rome III and at the Istituto Universitario di Magistero S. Orsola Benincasa in Naples.

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Giuseppe Gigliozzi has contributed to the development of numerous computer applications. back to the top