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Maria Amata Garito

Maria Amata Garito



Born 17 October in Rome 1946, Maria Amata Garito graduated in Education at 'La Sapienza' University in Rome where she is currently professor of Educational Technology in the Psychology faculty and director of NETTUNO (Network per l'Università Ovunque).

During her career she has made numerous study visits to the major centres of educational technology in the United States, including MIT's Media Lab in Boston, the Centre of Educational Technology of the Department of Educational Science at Harvard, the Learning Research and Development Centre of the University of Pittsburgh, the School of Education of the University of Berkeley, and Stanford University.

Her initial research interests were in the field of the structure and methodology of education and training and comparative education and she later became interested in educational technology.

She has tried to create a strong link between her research activities and her role as director of

CATTID (Centre for the Application of Television and Distance-learning Technology) and of NETTUNO. Her research and experiments have allowed her to create new structural models and pedagogical methods to facilitate the use of communication technologies in face-to-face and distance learning.

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Among her many publications:

  • Tecnologie e Processi Cognitivi: Insegnare e apprendere con la Multimedialità,1997, Franco Angeli, Milano.
  • The Creation of the Euro-Mediterranean Information: Communication, Education and trainig. Research, 1997, Giunti, Firenze.
  • La Multimedialità nell'Insegnamento a Distanza (a cura di), Aprile 1996, Roma, Garamond.
  • L'Università a distanza in Italia: un modello concreto con il Consorzio NET.T.UN.O., in AAVV "La formation à distance" edited by S.Johnson, D.Schurch, P.Lang, 1995, pp.89-101.
  • Nuove tecnologie della comunicazione ed insegnamento a distanza, in AAVV "Non più e non ancora - verso una realtà della comunicazione, marzo 1993, Salerno, CUEN.
  • Un modello di struttura per utilizzare le tecnologie della telecomunicazione nei processi d'insegnamento e apprendimento universitario, in AAVV "Luoghi dell'apparenza-mass media e formazione del sapere", Gennaio 1993, Unicopli, Milano.
  • L'università in Europa, 1983, ERI, Roma.
  • La riforma della Scuola Secondaria, 1974, Bulzoni, Roma.
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