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Miguel Angel Garcia

Miguel Angel Garcia


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A sociologist of Argentinian origin, born in 1938, García was exiled to Italy in the late 1970s. In the following decade he was involved in international co-operation with Andean Latin America. At the end of the 80s he moved to the Universidad Autónoma de la Baja California and carried out research for UCLA (University of California in Los Angeles). He then returned to Italy as a consultant at the Regional Observatory for Immigration in Emilia-Romagna. He is director of the Studio García&Salibra-Bove, which specialised in creating hypertexts and hypermedia.

García's intellectual and working life has developed in two parallel directions. One is sociology, understood as a science but also as a commitment, including voluntary work; the other is communication, from text to hypertext, from paper to the bit. He has created various teaching projects for the Ministry of Education and the University of Bologna. He is webmaster of various Italian web sites.


Argentina, Mazzotta Editore, Milano 1975. In italiano, 190 pp. Peronismo, desarrollo económico y lucha de clases, Editorial Trazos, Barcelona, 1979, in spagnolo, 225 pp. El Nacimiento de América, Editorial Extemporáneos, México DF, 1983, (in Spanish), 285 pg. America Latina, Secolo XIX, Genova, 1985, in italiano, 194 pp. Gli argentini in Italia: una comunità di immigrati nella terra degli avi, Edizioni Synergon, Bologna, 1992, (in Italian), 285 pp.


Border Line (racconto ipertestuale). In: "I Percorsi dell'ipertesto/Border Line", Edizioni Synergon/Castelvecchi Editore, Roma/Bologna 1992 e Edizioni Synergon, Bologna 1993; Sono solo historietas, associazione AREA Emilia Romagna 1993; Master Europeo di Formazione Professionale, Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Educazione dell'Università di Bologna, 1994; Atlante del Ciberspazio, Edizioni Synergon, Bologna 1995 (ipertesto in italiano, 4.000 nodi e 7.400 links); Che cosa sono gli ipertesti, 1994, in: .

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