Gianpiero Gamaleri
Giampiero Gamaleri lectures in "The theory and practice of radio and television
language" at the Literature and Philosophy faculty of the "Universitą degli
Studi" in Rome III and is professor of "The theory and practice of mass
communications" at the Political Science faculty of LUISS - Guido Carli in Rome,
where he teaches "Televisual practice". A professional journalist, he
contributes to newspapers, journals and scientific reviews. He is a member of the board of
governors of the European Institute for the Media in Dusseldorf and a member of the board
of directors of Rai - Radiotelevisione Italiana and La Triennale of Milan. |
Among his publications:
- La Galassia McLuhan. Il mondo plasmato dai media, Armando, Roma 1976;
- Comunicazione di massa e attivitą d'impresa, Edizioni Kappa, Roma 1992;
- Video(demo)crazia. Convivere con la TV nel sistema maggioritario, Armando, Roma 1994;
- Televisione e diritti della persona. Il "Buono TV", SEI, Torino 1996;
- Tre idee per un'Italia civile, Rubettino Editore, Soveria Mannelli 1998;