Digital library (biography) RAI Educational
Hans Georg Gadamer

Hans Georg Gadamer



Hans Georg Gadamer was born in Marburg, Germany 11 February 1900. He studied at Breslau (1918) with Richard Hoenigswald and at Marburg (1919) with Nicolai Hartmann and Paul Natorp, graduating in 1922 with a thesis on "The essence of pleasure and dialogue in Plato". In 1923, at Freiberg he met Husserl and Heidegger, and studied at the University of Marburg from 1923 to 1928.

He became professor of philosophy in 1937 and in 1939 became professor at the University of Leipzig, being made rector in 1946. In 1947 he taught at Frankfurt and in 1949 at Heidelberg. Emeritus professor since 1978, Gadamer has also taught in many universities around the world, including the USA, experiencing what he has called "a second youth". One of the leading authorites on contemporary philosophy, he was recently honoured by the publication of his "Complete Works (1986-1991).

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Among the works published in English:

  • Truth and Method (1960);
  • Philosophical Hermeneutics (1967);
  • Dialogue and Dialectic (1980);
  • Reason in the Age of Science (1982);
  • The relevance of the beautiful and other essays (1986);
  • Plato's dialectical ethics: phenomenological interpretations relating to the Philebus (1991);
  • Literature and philosophy in dialogue: essays in German literary theory (1994);
  • The enigma of health: the art of healing in a scientific age (1996).
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