Ruggero Eugeni
Ruggero Eugeni was born in Macerata 22 August 1960. He graduated in Modern Literature
in 1985 from the Catholic University S. Cuore of Milan with a thesis in the semiotic
problem of the early cinema. He subsequently worked with Gianfranco Bettetini and
Francesco Casetti on various research projects in the television and cinema field as part
of the research of the Institute of Communication Science of the Catholic University of
He specialised in the form of persuasive narrative, both in advertising and within
cinema paratexts (posters, trailers etc.) and television (promos). In 1992 he set up and
directed the Rai Vqpt and Fininvest RTI study into the forms of television utopia. He is
currently working on two strands of research: a history of the technologies and social
practices connected to the text, and an analysis of the representation of hypnosis as a
metaphor of cinematographic communication in fantasy cinema.
Eugeni is a lecturer at the Catholic University of Milan, teaching semiotics in the
faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature and the semiology of the image at the School
of Mass Communications. From 1992 to 1995 he was vice-president of the Italian Association
of Semiotic Studies.
He has published a number of essays of textual analysis applied to visual and
audiovisual texts for reviews and books and is author of "L'analisi semiotica
dell'immagine" (Milan, ISU Cattolica, 1994), "Invito al cinema di Stanley
Kubrick" (Milan, Mursia, 1995) and "Il testo visibile. teoria, storia e modelli
di analisi" (with Fausto Colombo: Rome, NIS, 1996).
He also edited "Il linguaggio degli inizi" (Turin, il Segnalibro, 1988) with
Gian Paolo Caprettini. He is currently contributing to the creation of a Manual of
Semiotics by various authors for the publisher La Scuola di Brescia and has already
published "Introduzione allo studio della semiotica contemporanea" (Milan, CUSL,
1995). |